
Well done Shania Hopkins on Well done Shania Hopkins…

Great session tonight at Longbridge Methodist Church, with Shaniah Hopkins earning her 4th kyu due to her exceeding dedication which has saw her more than surpass the requirements for the grade and a merit certificate for attending 32 training sessions in January applying herself dilligently in all

The main topic covered in tonight’s training was elbow strikes (Empi Uchi)
upwards strike (Age Empi), downwards strike (Otoshi Empi), Side strike (Yoko Empi), backwards strike (Ushiro Empi), roundhouse strike (Mawashi Empi). These were practised as a kata and with partner work to practice them from both karate attacks and swing punches and grabs. Amazing where did two hours go .

Awards & Presentations

Black Belt Certificate Presentation and Awards Ceremony October 2018

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On the 17th October 2018 the ceremony for the formal award and presentation in recognition of the students Dan grade achievements was held at the Longbridge dojo. The grading was held at the dojo on Wednesday September 13th 2018.

The ceremony was attended by sensei Susan Hession (4th Dan), sensei Dorien Cummins , Carol Richards, Faye Tonkinson (2nd Dan) and Richard Amuzu (4th Dan).

The ceremony is a moment to recognise the progression of the students which included one student Bethany Bird achieving Nidan plus three other students in attendance achieving Shodan.

Students were also awarded special mementos from the late Shihan Cyril Cummins collection to acknowledge their outstanding contributions to the club presented by Sensei Dorien Cummins, a former BHSKC instructor & club secretary and widow of the late Shihan Cyril Cummins 8th Dan. Shihan Cummins was the founder of BHSKC and started the Weoley Castle dojo that became Weoley Castle Shotokan Karate Club and instructor to Sensei Susan Hession the current Chief instructor of both clubs.

The certificates and awards were presented to:

  • Bethany Bird – 2nd Dan (Nidan)
  • Michael Paul – 1st Dan (Shodan)
  • Daniel Ray – 1st Dan (Shodan)
  • Jacob McBride – 1st Dan (Shodan)
  • Daniel Ray – Shihan Cummins Katana Set
  • Michael Paul – Shihan Cummins Wakizashi
  • Faye Tonkinson – Shihan Cummins Competition Statuette
Waiting for the presentations to start …
The awards table with Sensei Dorien Cummins in attendance …
Bethany Bird (the club’s youngest Nidan)

Jacob McBride
Daniel Ray
Michael Paul (With Sensei Dorien Cummins and Sensei Sue Hession)
Remember Don’t break the ceiling tiles!
Dorien Cummins presenting a katana to Daniel Ray which belonged to the late Shihan Cyril Cummins
Dorien Cummins presenting a katana to Mike Paul which belonged to the late Shihan Cyril Cummins
Dorien Cummins presenting a statuette to Faye Tonkinson which belonged to the late Shihan Cyril Cummins

Congratulations to all those who passed their black belt…

Grading day was upon us and everyone performed very well. Special congratulations to our newest black belt grades with one student achieving the rank of nidan (2nd dan) and four achieving the rank of shodan (1st dan) black belts.

  • Bethany Bird – 2nd Dan
  • Jacob McBride – 1st dan
  • Daniel Ray – 1st Dan
  • Michael Paul – 1st Dan
  • Blake Bartlam – 1st Dan


Congratulations to Faye Tonkinson on achieving Nidan.



Special congratulations to Faye Tonkinson who passed her 2nd (Nidan) grading with Sensei Susan Hession 4th Dan and Sensei Austin Birks 5th Dan.

Also giving support were Dorien Cummins, Carol Lesley and her friend Lin! Faye would also like to convey her thanks to her kumite partners, Blake and Mike.


Congratulations to all those who passed their kyu gradings

Great grading session over two nights everyone did well. A great end to a good year.

Awards & Presentations

Black Belt Certificate Presentation at Weoley Castle Fete Karate…

Special congratulations to Oliver Goulden who was presented with his black belt certificate at the BHSKC / WCSKC karate demo at the Weoley Castle Fete on the 8th July 2017.


December 2016 Gradings at Longbridge Dojo

Congratulations to all students who graded in December 2016!

Special congratulations to Zach and Lewis, who have trained extremely hard over the past years and have passed their 1st Dan black belt.

WP_20161214_20_36_14_Rich (2)


September Gradings 2016

Yesterday, the September grading took place at Bartley Green dojo. Special congratulations to Wayne Perkin and Melissa Daly on passing their 2nd Dan and Len Jones on passing his 1st Dan. All your hard work has paid off! Click on the photo below to see all the photos.

Dan gradings September 2016


September 2016: Well done to everyone who graded

On Wednesday, 14th September 2016, Sensei Hession held kyu gradings at the recently opened Longbridge dojo. Congratulations to everyone who graded. The standard was very high and Sensei Hession was pleased with those who graded. Well done everybody.

September 2016 Grading


Congratulations, Bethany!

Bethany Bird has been training hard with Sensei Hession to prepare for her black belt grading. On 12th of March, she was awarded the Shodan grade by Shihan Cyril Cummins. Well done, Bethany! Congratulations from everyone at Weoley Castle Shotokan Karate Club.

Click the photo below to see a few more pictures of the grading.
Grading March 2016