BWCSK Club Notice on the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic Update…
It is with deep regret and great sorrow that due to the latest government advice advising all schools and sports clubs to close that we feel the time has come to announce the suspension of all BWCSK classes until further notice. This decison has not been made lightly and we have been continuously speaking to our members and parents of younger members to determine what they wanted us to do up until this point. As a club we have never before had to shut our doors but these are unprecedented times. We believe that we need to take this inevitable decision in the best interests of our students, their families and our instructor’s health. We will look to review this decision as the situation changes over the coming weeks based on the government’s and NHS advice at that time. Please check our Facebook Page and this web site for updates.
We would like to thank our students, parents and family of our younger students and our instructors and assistant instructors for their support that has allowed us to continue until this point.
Watch this space as we will look to find ways to support all our students continued studies over the coming weeks and if you have any questions please feel free to contact us.
In the meantime we would like everybody to take care of themselves, stay safe and keep practising.
The BWCSK Team.