
New venue and time for Wednesday’s Bartley Green class…

As many of you may know there has been a change in ownership at Bartley Green Leisure Centre and changes in policy at the school that have resulted in us no longer being able to train there on Saturdays and having only an hour for Wednesdays. Thus after consultation with those who attend the class we have decided that we will be regrettably ending our over 30 years of training at Bartley Green and instead relocating the class to Longbridge Methodist Church, the same venue as the Saturday class. This decision hasn’t been taken lightly but we feel it provides the best training opportunity for all BHSKC students. The class will run from 6pm -8pm, allowing more time for training and is more accessible being close to Longbridge train station, major bus routes and road routes. The class will be taken by Sensei Austin Birks 5th Dan and Sensei Sue Hession 4th Dan.


We hope to see you all there.


The new venue:

Longbridge Methodist Church,
Bristol Road South,
B45 9TY

(opposite the drive in McDonalds)

See the Google Map here for directions.


New venue for Saturday session starting 6th May and…

Bartley Green Leisure Centre has recently undergone a change in ownership and there have been changes in the availability of the attached school premises. As you all know we have been trying to negotiate with Bartley Green so we can keep training on a Saturday, but sadly we have not been able to come to any arrangements to make this possible, so with a heavy heart we have to say no more Saturday training at Bartley Green from Saturday 22nd April 2017, but we will still be there on a Wednesday 7pm – 8pm. We can no longer go in early at 6.30pm, so please don’t arrive and go in before 7pm.

However from Saturday 6th May 2017, Saturday training will be at a new venue , Longbridge Methodist Church, Bristol Road South, Birmingham B45 9TY opposite the drive in McDonalds at the current time of 11am – 12.30pm. The class will be split between Sensei Austin Birks 5th Dan and Sensei Sue Hession 4th Dan with sessions for senior and junior grades. Sensei Steve O’Reilly 3rd Dan will be taking the Halesowen classes. Thanks for your understanding and sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Any questions please ring Sensei Sue Hession on 07976805472

See the Google Map here for directions.