News, Blogs & Events


Congratulations to all those who passed their kyu gradings

Great grading session over two nights everyone did well. A great end to a good year.

Awards & Presentations

Student of the Year 2017

Special congratulations to our Student of the Year, Elijah Farrell-Reid who’s name has been added to the shield for him to keep for the year.

Awards & Presentations

Black Belt Certificate Presentation at Weoley Castle Fete Karate…

Special congratulations to Oliver Goulden who was presented with his black belt certificate at the BHSKC / WCSKC karate demo at the Weoley Castle Fete on the 8th July 2017.

Club Notices

Welcome to the combined BHSKC & WCSKC Web site

Welcome to the combined home for Birmingham & Halesowen Shotokan Karate Club and Weoley Castle Shotokan Karate Club. Originally born from Shihan Cyril Cummins’ BHSKC Weoley Castle Dojo, Weoley Castle Shotokan initially grew under the guidance of one of Shihan Cummins’ senior students, Sensei Susan Hession under his BHSKC umbrella before becoming fully independent with Sensei Hession as it’s Chief Instructor in the last year. Students of both clubs have for many years trained and graded together as part of the overall BHSKC family and this continues today. With the passing of Shihan Cummins Sensei Hession has assumed the mantle of Chief Instructor for both BHSKC and WCSKC and whilst both clubs still exist as distinct entities continuing the long tradition established with Shihan Cummins with BHSKC as one of the longest running Shotokan karate clubs in the Midlands and the success had since it’s foundation of WCSKC both clubs have come together under one roof both symbolically with the shared Chief Instructor and physically with the Longbridge Dojo housing both clubs.  To symbolise this coming together under one Chief Instructor and to provide a single web site for all club information going forward we are in the process of combining some aspects of the web sites. However all the memories, posts and information from the original BHSKC site will remain available as a legacy site in remembrance of Shihan Cummins these can be found at the new address of

To bring in this new era the badges for both clubs have been redesigned and combined to symbolise the coming together of the two clubs and form a single badge for the combined BHSKC & WCSKC.



Funeral Service: Shihan Cummins’ laid to rest

Today was the funeral of our Chief Instructor and founder, Shihan Cyril Cummins 8th dan. The funeral service took place at Our Lady and St. Rose of Lima in Weoley Castle attended by numerous family members, friends, colleagues and students from throughout his karate days including Sensei Yoshinobu Ohta, Senseis Ronnie Christopher, Ronnie Canning and Slater Williams and many others plus friends from his time as a bus driver and other former careers. Others had expressed their regrets about not being able to attend but wanted his friends and family to know that their thoughts were with them.

Shihan’s coffin was carried by three family members and three of his students and close personal friends and welcomed to the church with a guard of honour all wearing their gis and obis lining the pews and accompanied to and from the alter by a personal guard of his current students. As the coffin passed students bowed to pay their last respects.When the coffin reached the front of the church his six personal guard performed a final bow to Shihan  lead by Shihan’s senpai Sensei Austin Birks before they stood as a honour guard by the coffin throughout the service.

A moving tribute was paid to Shihan Cummins by Sensei Austin Birks,  Sensei Matt Russell read a poem he had written and Senseis Ronnie Christopher, Ronnie Canning and Lloyd Stephenson gave a touching at at times humorous tribute describing training with Shihan Cummins in the 70’s.

At the end of the service again the personal guard lead a final bow with Shihan’s coffin being led from the church by two of his young students who awaited him at the exit.

Shihan Cummins was laid to rest at a private interment accompanied by his family, personal guard and close friends followed by a private wake where a few stories where exchanged remembering past  times with Shihan Cummins.

The family and all of us at BHSKC would like to thank everyone who participated to day to help carry out Shihan’s final wishes and give him the send off he deserved. We will be holding a get together in the near future so that all students can gather together to remember Shihan and share memories of their times training with him.

Below are just a few pictures from training with Shihan Cummins



UPDATE: Funeral of Shihan Cummins

Funeral update:
12/06/17, 11am
Our lady and St Rose of Lima
Gregory Avenue
Weoley Castle
B29 5EA

Those wishing to take part in the guard of honour please be there from 10.15 – 10.30 at latest to practice, wearing your gi and smart appropriate foot wear. Please can you find parking spaces on the roads adjacent to church as it’s a small car park and is needed for family members thankyou.

Anyone who can make it to Longbridge on a Wednesday or Saturday for training, we will also be running through the guard of honour etiquette .

This is shihans last dojo please make it one to remember. If you’re an instructor I would appreciate knowing how many students will be coming to form the guard of honour, there will be students there who will have been able to practice who will guide those who haven’t, please be guided by them, Osu.

All are welcome to attend the service but after the service there will be a private interment for family and invited guests.


Sensei Sue Hession


Details for the Funeral of Shihan Cyril Cummins

We are now able to announce the details for the funeral of Shihan Cyril Cummins. As per Shihan Cummins’ wishes the family have requested that all karateka attending the funeral wear their gi and obi (karate suit and belt) to the ceremony.

The funeral will take place at the following location on Monday 12th June 2017 at 11am:

Our Lady and St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church
Gregory Avenue
Weoley Castle
B29 5EA
See the location on google maps here:


Enquiries about Shihan Cummins’ funeral

We would like to thank everyone for all the kind messages of condolence and sympathy on this site, our Facebook page and our posts in Facebook Shotokan groups and pages.

As I’m sure you appreciate it is a difficult time at present for his wife and family who are dealing with the loss of Shihan Cummins and taking care of the necessary arrangements. Therefore it would be greatly appreciated if people could refrain from calling the house in order to enquire as to the date of the funeral. Once the necessary arrangements have been completed and family members informed we will post an announcement here and on our Facebook page with regard to the funeral arrangements.

Thank you for your understanding during this difficult period.

The BHSKC Team


Memories of Shihan Cyril Cummins

Thanks to Gary Tully for sending in this photo taken at the KUGB Nationals at Crystal Palace where BHSKC won 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. What a great memory and proud moment for Shihan Cummins and his students.


Personal video tributes in memory of Shihan Cummins 8th…

This is a personal tribute from a BHSKC team member that has been created to remember Shihan Cyril Cummins’ long and successful career in Shotokan Karate.

His personal ethos was very simple: Never give up, never give in. His memory will live on with the many karateka around the world who will train as he expected them to.

Thank you, Shihan Cummins. Osu.

Here is a short video courtesy of Eric Mather in memory of a truly great karate practitioner, instructor and mentor. Sayonara Sensei.