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Awards & Presentations

Kyu Gradings and End of Year Awards December 2018

We had the final kyu gradings of the year at the Longbridge dojo on Wednesday 19th December 2018. These were conducted by Sensei Sue Hession and attended by Sensei Dorien Cummins with Sensei Richard Amuzu joining whilst recovering from an eye operation and a special appearance by Sensei Austin Birks 5th dan, who came from a chemotherapy session to be there.

We were all very pleased with the high standard shown by all who graded and by those doing a pre-dan grading check in preparation for taking their black belts grading at the next dan gradings.

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After the gradings it was time for the End Of Year Awards with this years Student of the Year going to Lincoln Boult. He now has his name added to the club shield which he will keep for the year. Shania Hopkins won the award for Best Ateendance and Supportive Student. Ajay Reeves won the award for Most Helpful and Supportive Student

Lincoln Boult and his mum with the Student of the Year Club Shield

Last year’s Student of the Year winner, Elijah Farrell-Reid passed on the club shield to Lincoln Boult receiving his own personal shield to keep in its place.

Elijah Farrell-Reid with Sensei Austin Birks 5th dan receiving his personal shield

“Magic” Mike Paul was presented with his Assistant Instructors license. Mike has been helping out at the club for a while and is also involved with the clubs web site administration and updates. He has worked diligently since starting to achieve his black belt and his calm and patient nature pays dividends when teaching.

Sensei Michael Paul receiving his Assistant Instructors license

In what was an emotional part of the evening Sensei Dorien Cummins gave two momentos which used to belong to our late instructor and BHSKC founder Shihan Cyril Cummins 8th Dan in the form of trophies won by Shihan Cummins to Sensei Austin Birks and Sensei Richard Amuzu for there long service to the club.

Sensei Austin Birks receiving one of the late Shihan Cyril Cummins trophies
Sensei Richard Amuzu receiving one of the late Shihan Cummins trophies

A lot covered tonight at the Weoley Castle Dojo

A good second class tonight at the Weoley Castle dojo with the brown and black belts covering a lot of ground. All the Heian kata were revisted. Bassai Dai, Jion, Hangestu, Enpi and Kanku Dai for the 1st Kyus. For the dan grades Meikyo and Chinte were covered and we started / revisited Unsu for the 1st and 2nd dans.


Congratulations Jacob at today’s KWON competition

Congratulations to Jacob McBride on his outstanding achievement today at the KWON Competition. The results for today :-

  • Gold in Adult Kumite
  • Silver in Under 17s Kumite
  • Silver in Under 17s Kata
  • Silver in Team Kata (with Harley)
  • Bronze in Adult Kata

Great advanced kata session yesterday at Longbridge Methodist Church…

We had a great advanced session yesterday with the black and brown belts at the Longbridge dojo. Earlier in the session we revisited the Heian kata and later Sensei Sue Hession worked on the Shodan grading kata whilst Sensei Richard Amuzu took an depth look at Nijushiho and its bunkai before finishing off with Meikyo.


Well done at the AKA Invitational Championships

Well done to the students from BHSKC / WCSKC who competed today. Kyree got bronze in adaptive kata , Chelsea got bronze in under 10 yrs novice kata, Archie, Shania and Elijah were unplaced but did very very well at their very first competition, Jacob Mcbride, Jack Wheeley and Alex got bronze in rotational Kumite .


Jacob McBride has today become a World Champion!

On 29th October 2018 at the WKU International Championships in Athens, Greece, Jacob McBride with his England squad team mates became a world champion. Winning gold in two events and bronze in another we cannot tell you how proud we are of this young mans achievements.

Jacob McBride with Matthew Hyndman and his kumite team mates taking the world title by besting the Germans and Italians in Athens at the WKU International Championship
Jacob and the mens kumite team on the podium with the German and Italian teams
Jacob on his return to the club

Awards & Presentations

Black Belt Certificate Presentation and Awards Ceremony October 2018

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On the 17th October 2018 the ceremony for the formal award and presentation in recognition of the students Dan grade achievements was held at the Longbridge dojo. The grading was held at the dojo on Wednesday September 13th 2018.

The ceremony was attended by sensei Susan Hession (4th Dan), sensei Dorien Cummins , Carol Richards, Faye Tonkinson (2nd Dan) and Richard Amuzu (4th Dan).

The ceremony is a moment to recognise the progression of the students which included one student Bethany Bird achieving Nidan plus three other students in attendance achieving Shodan.

Students were also awarded special mementos from the late Shihan Cyril Cummins collection to acknowledge their outstanding contributions to the club presented by Sensei Dorien Cummins, a former BHSKC instructor & club secretary and widow of the late Shihan Cyril Cummins 8th Dan. Shihan Cummins was the founder of BHSKC and started the Weoley Castle dojo that became Weoley Castle Shotokan Karate Club and instructor to Sensei Susan Hession the current Chief instructor of both clubs.

The certificates and awards were presented to:

  • Bethany Bird – 2nd Dan (Nidan)
  • Michael Paul – 1st Dan (Shodan)
  • Daniel Ray – 1st Dan (Shodan)
  • Jacob McBride – 1st Dan (Shodan)
  • Daniel Ray – Shihan Cummins Katana Set
  • Michael Paul – Shihan Cummins Wakizashi
  • Faye Tonkinson – Shihan Cummins Competition Statuette
Waiting for the presentations to start …
The awards table with Sensei Dorien Cummins in attendance …
Bethany Bird (the club’s youngest Nidan)

Jacob McBride
Daniel Ray
Michael Paul (With Sensei Dorien Cummins and Sensei Sue Hession)
Remember Don’t break the ceiling tiles!
Dorien Cummins presenting a katana to Daniel Ray which belonged to the late Shihan Cyril Cummins
Dorien Cummins presenting a katana to Mike Paul which belonged to the late Shihan Cyril Cummins
Dorien Cummins presenting a statuette to Faye Tonkinson which belonged to the late Shihan Cyril Cummins

Well done Mike at the AKA Open Kata Championship

“Magic” Mike Paul today was our sole competitor in the All Styles Karate Alliance Open Kata Championship and managed to gain a bronze medal.


A great weekend two competitions and 17 medals won…

Another impressive medal haul this weekend when five of our students have won seventeen medals between them at two competitions. Well done to you all an excellent outing by the squad.

Well done a truly outstanding result. Mike, Blake, Natalia, Jack and Jacob entered the KWON Grand Slam Series (KGS) competition with Jacob also entering a Go Kan Ryu (GKR) Regional Qualifier Competition. The tallys were:

  • Jacob McBride – KGS Gold Under 17s Kumite, GKR Gold Kata, GKR Gold Kumite, GKR Silver Team Kumite 14 – 15 yrs 3rd kyu and above.
  • Michael Paul – KGS Silver in Men’s Traditional Weapons, Silver in Veterans Kata
  • Blake Bartlam – KGS Silver Under 17s Weapons
  • Natalia Bak – KGS Silver Under 17s Female Advanced Kata
  • Jacob McBride, Jack Wheeley and Blake Bartlam – KGS Silver Adult Team Kata, KGS Bronze Under 17s Team Kata
  • Jacob McBride and Jack Wheeley – KGS Bronze Pairs Kata
Michael Paul, Blake Bartlam, Natalia Bak, Jack Wheeley and Jacob McBride

Congratulations to all those who passed their black belt…

Grading day was upon us and everyone performed very well. Special congratulations to our newest black belt grades with one student achieving the rank of nidan (2nd dan) and four achieving the rank of shodan (1st dan) black belts.

  • Bethany Bird – 2nd Dan
  • Jacob McBride – 1st dan
  • Daniel Ray – 1st Dan
  • Michael Paul – 1st Dan
  • Blake Bartlam – 1st Dan