
March 2016 Gradings: Well done to everyone who graded!

On Saturday 12th March 2016 Shihan Cummins held kyu and dan gradings at the BHSKC Bartley Green dojo. We would like to congratulate everyone who graded, Shihan Cummins was pleased with the high standards of those who graded. Well done everybody. Special congratulations to Bethany Bird who achieved the rank of Shodan (1st Dan) black belt. Beth has trained dilligently for the last few years to attain her shodan and has shown great talent along the way winning a number of competitions. Well done!

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Next Grading is on the Saturday 12th March 2016

The next grading is rapidly approaching so make sure that you have an up-to-date license and that you have the permission of your sensei to grade. If grading and you wish to order belts please contact Sensei Sue Hession via text on 07976995472 with yoir name, belt colour and size required.

In the meantime keep training and practising your grading syllabus and kata.


Merry Christmas!

I would like to wish all students at BHSKC and everyone else who has been a part of the club or the activities it has been involved in a very Happy Christmas and hope you all enjoy the holidays on behalf of myself and the BHSKC team.



Merry Christmas,




Well done to everyone who competed at the Ippon…

On Sunday 18th October 2015 a squad of Students from Weoley Castle went to compete at the Ippon Ken Karate Club’s annual Autumn Championship. As with previous years the club has enjoyed some success at this tournament coming away with another impressive haul of medals. Congratulations to everyone who took part and thanks to Sensei Kathy Dearden for hosting the competition.



The full list of medal winners are posted on the Weoley Castle Shotokan Karate Club Site here.


New training times for Saturday’s Kata Class at Bartley…

After receiving feedback from students who felt the existing 1.00pm start for Shihan Cummins’ dedicated kata class on Saturdays made it difficult to have time for family activities on a Saturday afternoon, the time for this class is changing.  Based on feedback from students within the club about a potential time change Shihan Cummins has moved the Saturday kata class at Bartley Green to the earlier time of 11.00am – 12.30pm from Saturday 7th November 2015.

Hopefully with the new time change more of you will be able to attend and benefit from this class with Shihan Cummins dedicated to kata and bunkai.




Congratulations on your Grading

The September 2015 gradings took place on Saturday 19th September at the Bartley Green Dojo. The day started with a training course taken by Shihan Cummins with the assistance of Sensei Birks which was followed by kyu and then dan gradings. Shihan Cummins was pleased with the standard shown and we at BHSKC would like to congratulate everyone who graded. Two students also took and passed their second dan during a rigorous examination. We would like to extend special congratulations to them both, Well done Lyndsay Daly and Lewis Millingson!

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Coming up: Ippon Ken Karate Club Karate Competition 2015

Many of you will know Sensei Kathy Dearden from the Saturday Kata class or other events and many will have competed at her clubs annual karate competition at which members of BHSKC have been lucky enough to enjoy some success. This year Ippon Ken Karate Club will be hosting their competition on the 18th October 2015 at the Akeley Wood.

Further details are available from Ippon Ken Karate Club via their website Ippon Ken Karate Club or Facebook page or speak to Kathy directly if you see her after training on Saturdays. It’s usually a fun day out and a chance to experience a competition in a friendly environment if you haven’t competed before. Below are a few pictures from last years competition successes, lets see if we can surpass them this year!

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2014-12-07 16.18.59


2014-12-07 18.22.21


2014-12-07 16.15.20



Training & Gradings this Saturday

This Saturday, 19th September 2015 will be kyu and dan gradings at Bartley Green Leisure Centre. These will be preceded by a training course for one hour with Shihan Cummins. The training will start at 11am with doors opening at 10.45am. If you are grading please remember to bring your license and grading fee. The grading fee is £30 for kyu grades which includes training, grading a new belt and registration with NAKMAS.

If you are training please arrive promptly to be ready for the start. The training is open to all grades wether grading or not.

Good luck to all those who are grading and we look forward to seeing everyone there for the training.

The normal kata course will not be taking place this week due to the grading, sorry if this causes any inconvenience.







Well done to all those who competed in the…

Well done to all those who competed in the GB Open. They achieved a number of silver and bronze medals throughout the days events.


Congratulations to James Grant on achieving the rank of…

We would like to congratulate James Grant who achieved his Shodan black belt on Saturday. He showed great determination to come back and re-take his kata after passing the other parts during his previous attempt and his effort has born the desired fruit. James’ resolve to continue, improve and retry is to be commended and shows the correct attitude and spirit which will help him to continue his karate journey. Well done James, welcome to the Yūdansha!

James Grant Shodan GradingJames Grant Shodan GradingJames Grant Shodan GradingJames Grant Shodan Grading