
September 2021 Kyu Gradings.

Well done to everyone who took their grading on the 25th September and to those who came to train whilst the gradings were happening. People always talk about taking their black belt gradings as being difficult but many forget those first few kyu gradings are terrifying in their own right as it is all very new and you haven’t yet learnt what to expect. We were very pleased with the standard shown and the amount of effort everyone has put in to reach this point. A special mention for Kayleigh Emmison who graded to 7th kyu.

Congratulations to all again.

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Club Notices

Wednesday Night Training Returns!

Wednesday Night Training Returns! Since train for all groups resumed in May we have been quietly behind the scenes trying to secure our venue for Wednesday classes. Unfortunately we have been unable to secure our original Wednesday venue after months of trying to get a date we could return and rather than delay indefinitely until they are planning to reopen for classes we are pleased to announce that Wednesday night training will be returning starting Wednesday 8th September 2021 at our Bournville College dojo, just a short walk or drive down the road from the previous location. There is however one major change to the format of this class, this will be an adults only class. Unfortunately due to the late hour of this class it is not possible to accommodate a children’s class.

We are very sorry for any inconvenience this may cause as we know a number of our young students used to train on Wednesday nights. If you previously trained on Wednesdays and have been waiting for it to restart please contact us and we’ll see if we can do anything to accommodate you (we know some of our older teenagers used to train exclusively on adult classes for example).

𝗖𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘀 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲𝘀:
7.30pm to 9.00pm every Wednesday.

𝗩𝗲𝗻𝘂𝗲 (𝘀𝗮𝗺𝗲 𝗮𝘀 𝗦𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗱𝗮𝘆𝘀):
Bournville College,
Sports Hall,
1 Longbridge Lane,
B31 2TW.

Club Notices

Summer Break: August 2021

David Hawgood / Deckchairs and sunbathers on a sunny Sunday, Brighton beach / CC BY-SA 2.0

As the main summer holiday period approaches and lots of students are planning to, or have already started their holidays we will also take a short break and the club will be closed for two weeks with the final lesson before the break being on Saturday 14th August 2021 in the Bournville College Sports Hall, Longbridge and we will reopen for training on Thursday 2nd September 2021 at Weoley Castle Community Church.

We hope you all enjoy your break and come back refreshed and raring to go in September for the run up to the gradings.

The BWCSK Team.

Black belts with their instructors after their grading Grading

We Passed! Kyu & Dan Gradings June 2021

It has been an eventful couple of weeks for all the students at BWCSK. As more coronavirus health restrictions were eased since the initial return to dojo training we were able to conduct our first full kyu and dan gradings. The gradings took place on three separate dates in order to try and give everyone who was ready and wished to the chance to take their gradings.  First up were a small group of juniors who took various kyu gradings from beginners to brown belts on the Thursday evening. There was a palpable sense of nervousness as the first group to grade lined up in the main hall of the Weoley Castle dojo waiting for their grading to begin.  Everyone has worked hard to get to that point and they all know that the result depends on how they perform at that moment.  We have all been there worrying if we will make a mistake or worse still go completely blank when we have to do our kata. However despite the nerves they soon got into the rhythm of the grading and their months of training kicked in and in the end everyone who graded that day was able to overcome their nerves and pass.

Next up was the main kyu gradings day that took place at the Bournville College dojo. This is a big hall that brought a bigger sense of occasion to the proceedings. Again there was the nervousness in the air but also a tangible sense of excitement as for many this was their first grading since starting. After some initial presentations  of renewed assistant instructor certificates and licenses to Sensei Michael Paul and Sensei Jacob McBride the day got underway. First there was a training session followed by the start of the gradings. There were a large number of gradings including our youngest student at five years old but everyone rose to the occasion and gave it their all and reaped the rewards of their dedication.

Finally with a weeks gap since the previous grading the advanced students going for grades from 1st kyu to 2nd dan gathered at Weoley Castle on Monday night. Due to the pandemic when some of those present took their shodan (1st dan) grading late last year they were unable to complete the full syllabus so as a club we decided to take the approach that  if they were able to pass the initial two thirds of the grading syllabus that was permitted under the rules in force at that time they could wear a black belt but until the final third was complete the grade would not be registered. So we had a few people who had come to complete their shodan grading. Also we had a number of existing shodan black belts who had been waiting until they could take a complete nidan (2nd dan) grading once restrictions were eased. Black belt gradings are never easy and failing part or all of the grading is not uncommon hence people usually take these after months of intense training once they are eligible which is several years between belts. Due to the unique circumstances of lock downs and restrictions this wasn’t possible which undoubtedly made a very stressful grading even harder than usual. The step up from brown belts to a black belt is a significant step and as you would expect the standard expected for each dan grade increases significantly to reflect the number of additional years of training and expected improvements in knowledge and technique. The techniques are complex, the sparring ferocious and the standard expected throughout is high, in an exam designed to test you both physically and mentally. As you’d expect with so many years training riding on a relatively short grading and the need to perform at your peak, you could feel the tension in the air. A black belt grading is a roller coaster of emotions as you examine every little thing you feel wasn’t quite right in the gaps between sections and switch between feelings of possible success and certain failure.  I am pleased to say that everyone succeeded in their goal and passed.

Well done everyone who graded, you did yourselves and your senseis proud. Special congratulations to our newest members of the yudansha who have achieved the rank of Shodan:

  • Lincoln Boult
  • James Newman
  • Paul Weston

We’d like to extend our very heartiest congratulations to the following students who achieved the rank of Nidan:

  • Angela Notice
  • Jacob McBride
  • Jiannan Yin

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Young boy smiling and punching Training

Watch our new promotional video!

We thought you might enjoy our latest promotional video for the club as we return to dojo training in 2021. This video was shot during the class on Saturday 22nd May 2021 at our relatively new Bournville College Dojo (as unfortunately it was closed by the Coronavirus restrictions soon after initially opening). If you are an existing student and haven’t visited there yet please come and check it out, it’s a great venue to train in.

New members are welcome, please contact Sensei Susan Hession if you are interested in joining as always the first two classes are a free trial before joining. Please see our classes & fees page for information about class times and locations.

We’d like to thank Yvonne Skalban for producing this video for the club. If you are looking to have some video related work done please check out her site at

Adults dressed in karate suits in a guard pose Training

Welcome Back II – The return of the adults

Welcome back! It’s been a busy week here at Birmingham & Weoley Castle Shotokan Karate since this is the first week this year both adults and children have been able to train in the dojo. We have had new starters and returning students young and old , some who have not been able to train since before the pandemic. It will come as no surprise that we were overjoyed to see everyone face to face again. Whilst we have been able to keep in touch and train online in Zoom together these past months there is always that extra buzz being back in a dojo not to mention the relief that you no longer have to worry about kicking over your TV! 😃

With so many people unable to train in the dojo or at all for such a long period we have been easing people back into things this week concentrating on basics and kata that people already know but may have become a little rusty at for those who have trained before, rebuilding our fitness levels and of course introducing our new starters to the wonderful world of Shotokan karate. We of course aren’t out of the woods yet with covid-19 so this is all taking place whilst we adhere to strict cornavirus safety measures to ensure the safety and continued good health of our students and instructors.

On Saturday we had a visit from our good friend and Chief Instructor of Enso Shotokan Karate , Sensei Austin Birks 6th dan and Yvonne Skalban 2nd dan both former students of the late Shihan Cyril Cummins 8th dan. This proved the perfect opportunity to present him with a belated 60th birthday present which due to lock downs over the past year and his ongoing battles with cancer has not been possible until now. This was a framed Kanji (Japanese calligraphy script) that roughly translated to our late instructor’s and the club’s motto, Never give up, Never give in.

At present we are back in two of our three venues, Weoley Castle Community Church and Bournville College running classes for all ages and abilities, please see our classes & fees page for times and locations.

So indeed we are pleased to be able to say to all, welcome back to the dojo!

Here are a few photos from our first week and a video kindly produced by Yvonne from the class on Saturday. If you are looking for some video production work please check out her site at

  • The end of the session!
  • Warming Up 2
  • Warming Up 1
  • On guard!


Club Notices

BWCSK Dojo Re-opening for Adults – May 2021

We are pleased to announce that in line with the easing of coronavirus restrictions taking place on the 17th May 2021 we will be re-opening our dojos for adult training. Coronavirus (Covid-19 / SARS-CoV-2) safety restrictions are still in force so training will continue to be socially distanced and non-contact with temperature checks and other safety measures continuing as was the case before Christmas and has been taking place over the last month with children’s classes.

We are still waiting to hear from our Longbridge Methodist Church venue as to when we will be able to resume Wednesday night training there and will provide an update when one becomes available. The latest update we have received indicates that we are unlikely to be able to return before the next planned easing of restrictions on the government roadmap currently planned for the 21st June 2021.

As everyone can now train in the dojo, we will no longer be continuing with our free online zoom lessons but we thank all those who have participated and hope they provided a useful means to continue training during this period away from the dojo.

To reflect the limitations on training we will continue to charge the reduced flat fee of £5 per session for dojo classes.

New members are welcome, please contact Sensei Susan Hession if you are interested in joining as always the first two classes are a free trial before joining.

Junior line up Training

Welcome Back I – The kids are back

Well its great to be able to train in the dojo now that the first stage of the coronavirus easing of restrictions is here, so we would like to say Welcome back to all our juniors. We have had a great week with the childrens classes resuming at Weoley Castle and Bournville College. It’s been great to see you all again in person and be able to welcome new starters to the club. In a few weeks time we hope to be able to welcome back our adult students as well.

Here are a few photos from our first return to dojo training in 2021.

  • Beginners lineup 1
  • junior and senior grade lineup
  • Beginners lineup 2

Club Notices

BWCSK Dojo Re-opening For Juniors – April 2021

Hello folks,

We are pleased to announce that in line with the current government roadmap for easing covid-19 restrictions we will re-opening our dojos for junior (under 18) members to train this month.  Coronavirus (Covid-19 / SARS-CoV-2)  safety restrictions are still in force so training will continue to be socially distanced and non-contact with temperature checks and other safety measures continuing as was the case before Christmas.

Classes will resume from Saturday 17th April 2021 at the following times and locations:

  • Saturdays 13:00pm – 14:00pm – All Grades: Bournville College, Longbridge, B31 2AJ.
  • Mondays 17:30pm – 18:30pm – Beginners / Intermediate Grades: Weoley Castle Community Church, Weoley Castle, B29 5LE .
  • Mondays 18:30pm – 19:30pm – Brown and Black Belts: Weoley Castle Community Church, Weoley Castle, B29 5LE .
  • Thursdays 17:30pm – 18:30pm – Beginners / Intermediate Grades: Weoley Castle Community Church, Weoley Castle, B29 5LE .
  • Thursdays 18:30pm – 19:30pm – Brown and Black Belts: Weoley Castle Community Church, Weoley Castle, B29 5LE .

We are still waiting to hear from our Longbridge Methodist Church venue as to when we will be able to resume Wednesday night training there and will provide an update when one becomes available.

Existing students can book their place on these classes using the online booking form. Free online Zoom classes will continue for Adults whilst they are not permitted to train in the dojo but will not resume for Juniors after the Easter break. To reflect the limitations on training we will continue to charge the reduced flat fee of £5 per session for dojo classes.

New members are welcome, please contact Sensei Susan Hession if you are interested in joining as always the first two classes are a free trial before joining.

Club Notices

BWCSK Tier 4 Reopening: January 2021

Hello folks,
Firstly, we hope you all had a Merry Christmas and we would like to wish you all a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. Unfortunately during our Christmas break with an surge in SARS-CoV-2 (covid-19) infections and hospitalisations Birmingham has been moved into Tier 4 restrictions. What this means in practice is that we currently can not run any sessions within our various dojos which have to remain closed for all students (including under18s) whilst we remain in this tier.

Therefore we plan to reopen with online Zoom sessions as we previously ran during the first national lock down and have been running for adults since Birmingham initially went into Tier 3 last November. We will be running classes twice a week starting from the week beginning Monday 11th January 2021, consisting of a juniors (under 18s class) and an seniors (adults) class. Each class will be scheduled to last an hour. These will be run as before via our members only Facebook  group and we request all students planning to train indicate if they will be attending the training sessions by selecting “going” on the relevant Facebook event for that session. If planned attendance for a given class is considered low (i.e. 1 or 2 planned attendees) then the class may be cancelled at the discretion of the instructor taking the class on the day. Initially juniors classes will be run by Sensei Susan Hession and Jacob McBride with Senior classes being run by Sensei Richard Amuzu. Although we may ask other instructors to step in if required.

These Zoom classes will be run for free at no charge to students who wish to attend and as previously mentioned above details relating to these posted in our private members group on Facebook.  If you are an existing student who wishes to train online and doesn’t have access to the private club members group please contact Sensei Hession or Sensei Amuzu to obtain access. If you do not use Facebook (and cannot create an account in order to access the private members area) but still wish to participate in the Zoom classes please contact Sensei Richard Amuzu and we will see if we can make alternative arrangements to allow you get get the Zoom meeting details.

Thanks for your support and understanding.

The BWCSK Team.

Zoom class gallery view
Gallery View of a Zoom class as seen by the instructor