UPDATE: Funeral of Shihan Cummins
Funeral update:
12/06/17, 11am
Our lady and St Rose of Lima
Gregory Avenue
Weoley Castle
B29 5EA
Those wishing to take part in the guard of honour please be there from 10.15 – 10.30 at latest to practice, wearing your gi and smart appropriate foot wear. Please can you find parking spaces on the roads adjacent to church as it’s a small car park and is needed for family members thankyou.
Anyone who can make it to Longbridge on a Wednesday or Saturday for training, we will also be running through the guard of honour etiquette .
This is shihans last dojo please make it one to remember. If you’re an instructor I would appreciate knowing how many students will be coming to form the guard of honour, there will be students there who will have been able to practice who will guide those who haven’t, please be guided by them, Osu.
All are welcome to attend the service but after the service there will be a private interment for family and invited guests.
Sensei Sue Hession
RIP Shihan Cummins you will be missed xx
I was pleased and privileged to represent Cobra Running and Triathlon Club at Cyril’s funeral today. I have never seen so many Black Belts in one place at the same time, a remarkable tribute to him. Cobra has rubbed shoulders with Cyril and the Karate Club at Halesowen Leisure Centre for 25 years or so. His humour and asides as we runners wait in the foyer on a Tuesday evening will be missed.
I have lot of experience Shotokan karate
I like training kobudo your organization
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Susantha Rupasinghe
Sri Lanka