BWCSK and Kenshin Kyu Gradings – December 2023
Over the weekends of the 2nd December 2023 and 9th December 2023 BWCSK held the end of year gradings with students from the BWCSK Longbridge and Weoley Castle dojos and Kenshin Stechford dojo attending. The gradings were held at the usual location of the Longbridge dojo situated within the Bournville College (South and City College Birmingham) Urban fitness Sports Hall.
The first date was for beginner’s to red belts (with a few higher grades who couldn’t make the following weekend also grading) and the second date was for yellow belts and above. Whilst unfortuantely this time around a couple of students did not meet the required standard to pass their grading on the day never forget that just putting yourself forward to be grading takes courage as the pass is not guaranteed. Many karate-ka over the years have failed gradings (some multiple times) the ones who bounce back and come back training harder, determined not to fail again eventually achieve their goal. A very senior graded black belt instructor I know will often tell you that they failed their shodan multiple times but followed shihan Cummin’s motto of “never give in, never give up” and came back each time stronger until they passed. Well sone to those who passed we were pleased with the overall standard, effort and endeavour you all put in. A special mention for young Laura who took and passed her red belt grading all on her own at the Kenshin dojo on the Friday night. gradings are terrifying enough at that age never mind doing the grading on your own but she didn’t let that phase her and did very well.
The club is now closed until the second week of January so we wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Have a well deserved rest after a year of hard training and we will see you all next year.