Meet the BWCSK & Kenshin Admin Team
Many of you will know Becky Clarke and Andrew Smith individually as the parents of either Courtney and Harvey or Ajay and Paige respectively or may have just seen them either blowing the whistle or signalling the imminent end of the class times or guiding students around the entrances and exits and ensuring their safety when entering and leaving the dojo. For quite a while they have volunteered quietly in the background to help around the club as well as the aforementioned visible activities they have also help out with the paperwork around gradings. As Jackie has now had to step down from the role Becky has now officially taken on the role of Club Secretary assisted by Andy.
Hopefully all the parents at the Kenshin dojo should now have met them as they man the desk and take the fees on Friday’s. Those who train on Wednesday’s will also have met Lincoln Boult’s grandfather, Roger who man’s the desk and takes the fees for the Wednesday night classes.
We would just like to thank them all again for the tireless work they do in the background that helps keep everything running smoothly both in the original BWCSK and Kenshin dojos.