Welcome to the new BHSKC Web Site
Welcome to the new Birmingham & Halesowen Shotokan Karate Club website. This has been a long time in the making with the initial work starting early last year initially with the help of Yvonne before she had to move and brief small sections of activity going on throughout the year which gave the basic framework and theme. The final push was over the Christmas break to finalize the details and preserve the content from the old site which people may still find interesting.
Why a new site, there are many reasons some technical, some related to problems with our previous site host which have resulted in lots of extra work behind the scenes. The main benefits for you as users of the site will be a much more modern experience. Nowadays many of us access the site from multiple devices from mobile phones and tablets to computers with large monitors. Limitations in our old sites software meant that the site didn’t fare well when accessed on some form factors or with certain browsers. The new site should hopefully address this issue providing a better experience whichever way you choose to access it. It also provides the potential opportunity for comments to be posted for some articles on the site making it a much more interactive experience.
This site has been tested under Windows 7 using the current versions of Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer at the time of writing and on a Android Samsung Galaxy S4 smartphone and Google Nexus 7 tablet using Dolphin Browser, Firefox for Android and Chrome.
I would be interested to here what your thoughts are on the new site, so please feel free to comment.
Richard, Web & Social Media Administrator