
An amazing video from Saturday’s Special Course

We would like to thank Eric Mather, for taking the time to make and send us this truly incredible video of  from the very special kata and kumite course on Saturday. Students from the past and present all training together under Shihan Cummins’ guidance for this special day. Kyu grades to 7th dans all taught by one man over the decades beginners and world champions alike, Shihan Cyril Cummins 8th dan, a truly great karate legacy, So without further ado here it is:


Special Kata and Kumite Course: Faces from the past…

A special karate course featuring kihon, kata and kumite was held at the BHSKC Bartley Green Dojo on Saturday 25th February 2017 with past and present students of Shihan Cummins gathering together to train with him including Sensei Ronnie Canning, former World Champion, Sensei Slater Williams, 7th Dan and many of his students, Sensei Franklyn Doras, 7th Dan plus many other senior students.

Everyone trained hard in what was an amazing session featuring over three decades of Shihan Cummins students training along side each other spanning the decades for a special day, representing just some of the many karate-ka that Shihan Cummins has taught over the years. On behalf of Shihan Cummins we would like to thank all those who came and made the day so special.

Below are some of the photos taken on the day.

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Below is a video from that session:

and a few more photos

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Shihan Cyril Cummins and Sensei Ronnie Christopher Course

On the 7th January 2017 Shihan Cyril Cummins 8th dan and Sensei Ronnie Christopher 6th dan, held a special Shotokan Karate Course at the BHSKC Bartley Green Dojo. We would like to thank Shihan Cummins and Sensei Christopher for teaching an informative & interesting course. Also thanks to all those who attended and helped make it such an enjoyable event.




Shihan Cyril Cummins & Sensei Ronnie Christopher Course, just…

The course featuring Shihan Cyril Cummins 8th dan, “The Trainer of Champions” and Sensei Ronnie Christopher 6th dan, former British, European and World Champion is just over a week away. This is a course not to be missed featuring two karate legends based here in Birmingham. Mark this on your calendar now and don’t miss out on this training opportunity!


Special Karate Course with Shihan Cyril Cummins 8th Dan…

We are pleased to present the opportunity for people to train with two of the West Midlands own karate greats :-

Shihan Cyril Cummins 8th Dan & Sensei Ronnie Christopher 6th Dan. This special training course is not to be missed and will take place on Saturday 7th January 2017 at the Bartley Green Dojo.

Book now to reserve your place!